In an effort to look after our health (mental and physical) in a demanding year, our internal wellbeing initiatives have come thick and fast! We use these initiatives to shine a light on areas of our life that we can concentrate on to be healthier, in both mind and body.
These are the initiatives we’ve highlighted over the past few months:
Do Blue for Prostrate Health, Mental Health Awareness Week & Māori Language Week – MĀ TE KŌRERO, KA ORA: Through conversation, comes wellbeing; ITI TE KUPU, NUI TE KŌRERO: A little chat can go a long way.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month saw us raising $330 for the Breast Cancer Foundation!!
Whiringa-ā-rangi – we challenged ourselves (plus family and crew) with a Sugar-Free Challenge! We also Shone a Light on Violence Prevention.
Highlighting the Five Ways to Wellbeing for a healthy festive season and beyond:
- Connect (me whakawhanaunga)
- Give (tukua)
- Take notice (me aro tonu)
- Keep learning (me ako tonu)
- Be active (me kori tonu)