Summit Forests’ annual Arbour Day planting at Little Lake Gem turned out to be a stunner, thanks to the weather and the huge support from Paparore School — their teachers, students and their whanau — Bushland Trust and Ngai Takato — Taiao Team.
It was a beautiful winter morning to take part in some kaitiakitanga and enjoy this special site. The 1400 eco-sourced seedlings got in the ground in record time.
The Little Lake Gem restoration project started in 2010 and Summit Forests has stewarded it since purchasing the site in 2013 – you can find out more about our work here in this case study. Karen Lucich of Summit Forests says, “A lot goes into preparing and maintaining the site and it is amazing to have the support of the community for these annual plantings.”

The site has recreational tracks that link it to Lake Ngatu and Te-Oneroa-a-Tōhē/Ninety Mile Beach which are regularly enjoyed by the community.
The recovery of this site is a tribute to the support and collective effort of the community over the past thirteen years. Summit Forests would like to thank everyone involved and trust you will enjoy the space.